One major influence on creating well rounded children is how they’re raised Now, I’m not claiming to be a parenting expert, because I’m not even close. I have one daughter and I made plenty of mistakes. For me, parenting success throughout my mothering went from ‘thank heavens
Read more →I make some pretty big claims in my book about how violence and violent behaviour is being normalised in western culture – so much so that we’re becoming desensitised to the violence and often, don’t even recognise behaviours as being violent. I often tell the story of
Read more →The internet can be a helpful tool to help with study and homework, and it’s a wonderful social tool to keep family and friends in touch. Mobile phones are a means of keeping parents and children in contact in the case of emergencies, however, despite the positive
Read more →Think about social media and how easy it is to manipulate images (for example, there’s an app which fixes skins blemishes, brightens eyes and thins down the face). Add to this a few ‘likes’ from encouraging friends and a teen’s reality is now an illusion. Social theorist,
Read more →Often the victim of domestic abuse by a narcissist initially delight in the glow of the narcissist’s charm but soon become anxious and drained because of tantrums, attacks and accusations of imaginary slights. The victim begins to doubt herself and worry about what their tormentor will think
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