Are we a Nation of Narcissists?
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About Dr Lynette & Now Generation

a black and white photo of Dr Lynette Maguire, Principal Consulant of Now Generation
Founder and Principal Consultant, Dr Lynette Maguire

Now Generation was started in 2015 as a result of Dr Lynette Maguire‘s research at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), Queensland, Australia.  Lynette’s research looked at the rise of narcissism and violence in young people, and how the internet and social media are impacting the behaviours and belief systems of our younger generations.  Lynette’s research also looked at many socioenvironmental impactors of our teens’ mental health.

Graduating in 2015 with the University’s Chancellor’s Medal, the highest award given to a graduating student, Lynette now spends her time teaching at USC, speaking at conferences and running workshops and masterclasses around the world.

Now Generation responds to many social issues by educating school staff and parents about current trends in children and teen behaviours. In 2023, Lynette will be delivering a Train the trainer program to schools so their staff can deliver her successful School Refusal workshops to the parents in Australian schools. Schools and other interested parties within and outside of Australia are welcome to participate. These programs and workshops will be run via THEMA: Teen Health: Education and Mentoring Alliance as we work with schools, parents, the children, and any interested parties.

THEMA logo: Now Generation's THEMA: Teen Health: Education & Mentorship Alliance
Now Generation’s THEMA: Teen Health: Education & Mentorship Alliance

Dr Maguire’s areas of expertise include:

  • School refusal workshops for school staff and parents to get our children back into the classroom
  • the changes in parenting styles which are encouraging entitlement mentality in our teens and how this impacts our social, business and cultural worlds
  • the increase of narcissism in western cultures – trends, pitfalls and impacts of the ‘what about me’ mentality
  • the increase of violence and violent behaviour, including hypermasculinity, and a cultural desensitisation to violence in our world
  • the impact internet and social media has on behaviour with an increase in cyberbullying, teen suicide and body dysphoria
  • the very disturbing effects the porn industry is having on our teens and the future effects this will have on our society along with other addictive behaviours such as gaming
  • the impact generational changes have on our culture, including the impact on businesses, not for profit organisations and workplace behaviours
Dr Lynette sitting and reading a book
Loving her research. Lynette is happiest when she’s researching, writing or presenting

Lynette’s knowledge base is forever expanding as her research takes her to new realms of behaviour, including cultural, behavioural and market trends.  In fact, Lynette is considering expanding her research to a PhD in Public Health around her most recent work with School Refusal, investigating the disturbing global rise in this avoidant anxiety-based behaviour.

Want more information?

Want more information?

Dr Lynette’s academic research is now available: Is social networking increasing narcissism and violence in teens?

An academic text by author Dr Lynette Maguire
An academic text by author
Dr Lynette Maguire

Dr Maguire’s book Selfies, sexting, suicide and savagery: Welcome to the era of narcissism  was released in 2017. This is an expansion of Dr Lynette’s research and is written to the parents and caregivers of teens.  It’s easy to read and provides some great tips on many of the impactors of teen behaviour.

A book for parents of teens about what's going on with them.
A book for parents of teens about what’s going on with them.

You can order by emailing

Want a Dr Lynette to speak at your conference, school, or organisational masterclass?  Contact Lynette

Lynette’s achievements include:

Successful author and Facilitator of School Refusal workshops for schools and parents

Nominated, Community Leader Award, Sunshine Coast Council

Sessional tutor, University of Sunshine Coast

2015 Chancellor’s Medallist, University of Sunshine Coast

Past Council Member, University of Sunshine Coast

Past President, Student Guild, University of Sunshine Coast

Past President, Golden Key Honours Society, University of Sunshine Coast

Chief Executive Officer, My Wedding Wish Ltd

QCAT JP Magistrate, Maroochydore Magistrates Courthouse

Popular Civil Marriage Celebrant


Feedback Received:

“What a morning and what a speaker. You were amazing Lynette and everything I expected.
The morning after you received your Chancellor’s Medal at the Sunshine Coast University last year, a friend rang me, knowing I am always looking for amazing speakers, and said ‘Marie, I have found the speaker for your next IWD Breakfast.’
I am so grateful to her Lynette, because you were awesome! My only regret was the time constraints as we all could have listened to you for hours.”
 — International Women’s Day, Sunshine Coast 2016
“I want to say thank you for your time and the gift you gave to all of us on IWD at Pelican Waters.  I soooo enjoyed your presentation – you made so much sense of “what is”……”  — Stars Institute of Learning and Leadership
“In the 35 years of my listening to presentations, that has got to be the best I’ve heard.”  — Rotary Australia, 2016 Sunshine Coast